среда, 31 июля 2013 г.

Is Your Website's Click Area Clear - Or Complicated?

Is Your Website's Click Area Clear - Or Complicated?

Expert Author Chris M Hunter
One of the most important goals when building a website is that it be user friendly, although achieving this objective can be easier said than done. When designing a useful, functional website, developers have to look at the website from a user's point of view, which is especially true when it comes to links being recognizable and functional. By being presented the right way, links can ensure that visitors can easily navigate a website.
What Is A Click Area?
The click area of a website is the field that includes a link and any surrounding related space on a web page. These include textual ones within copy, navigational menu ones, and action buttons - all of which need to be clicked in order for a user to progress to a designated page; however, in some cases the click area may not be well defined. When this is the case, users may have a hard time determining the active part of the connection that leads to the desired location. Having to search for the active link is frustrating not to mention time consuming for the user. Preventing such a problem depends on clearly defining the click area and making it obvious enough so users can find it.
The basic goal in defining the click space of a link is to make it obviously stand out from the rest of the page, be easily located and useable. Some of the ways this can be accomplished are listed below.
  • Effects - It is most convenient when links behave differently based on usage. Not only should all such connections stand out from regular text with a different color than the rest of the text on a page; they should also include hover effects and maybe offer a different color when already visited.

  • Color - Whether the links are text or menu driven, each one should stand out from everything else while also being complimentary to the entire page's color palette. Using different variations of a color can indicate ones yet to be clicked, ones hovered over, and ones that have already been clicked or perhaps various levels in the navigational structure.

  • Text versus Menu - Links within text usually display active words and not the space around it; menu ones are usually handled in the opposite way. Whether displayed on a bar or a list, most navigational menus have written content one color and the rectangular space around it that indicates the link area is a different background color. The main concern with menu buttons is for the entire area to be active, not just the text - and this should apply to any other page buttons as well. Text should appear centered in a click area and upon hovering, the entire area should activate with highlighting and movement to the desired connecting page.
Buttons or any defined spaces of color and text being used for navigation should work together. Since this is an element that is generally expected on any web page, deviating from the expected standard could leave users searching for the active link area within a button, which can be frustrating. By easily defining the whole area around the text in menus and buttons as the click area - and providing an effect to make the whole area active upon hovering - navigation can be quick and simple, requiring no hesitation at all.
Website links, especially navigation menu ones, should always be easily spotted when hovered over and include a framing block of space and color around the actual text. By maintaining this standard to ensure that there is no question as to which part of a link or button is actually working, users can be happily retained!
Chris Hunter is an expert in Web Design and Search Engine Marketing. To find out more about Austin Website Design, go to the main website at:http://www.webunlimited.com.

Keys to a Successful Business Model?

Keys to a Successful Business Model?

Do you know your business model? If you're not sure, you're not alone. Many business owners are clueless when it comes to this topic!
Simply put, your business model is how your business makes money. You can think of it this way: what exactly are people paying you for? (Without paying customers, you have a hobby, not a business.)
It's important to emphasize that your business model must be proven. There's no need to reinvent the wheel here! To find a proven model, simply take a look around at others who are highly successful in your chosen industry. How does their business make money?What income streams are they incorporating? What are they selling?
For example, my business is primarily an information-product-based business model. With this model, a business owner makes money as a teacher, expert or coach, and builds their brand by delivering information and advice in the form of products, one-on-one coaching, workshops, online programs, books and more.
The business owner offers solutions to a particular problem, and clients and customers pay them for it.
Here are some additional examples of what your business model could look like:
You sell:
  • A one-on-one service
  • A group service
  • A standard physical or digital product
  • A customized physical or digital product
Advertisers pay:
  • To be positioned in front of your audience
The customer pays:
  • For leads or referrals (for example, affiliate marketing)
  • For your talent (for example, hosting, speaking, acting, etc.)
  • Just like my model, your model could be a combination of all of these.
Ultimately, you make the rules here, but it's smart to follow a proven model that plays to your strengths.
It's also helpful to understand your business's sweet spot. How do you find that sweet spot? It lives at the intersection of who you most want to work with, what you most want to deliver, and what your client or customer most wants to buy.
If you're having trouble getting people to invest in your products and services, take a step back and make sure you've done your research. Are you selling something they truly want and would pay for? (Not just what you think they need.) Do you have the evidence to back it up?
What you think they need is irrelevant; it's what they will PAY for that really matters.
As you can see, several pieces have to come together to form the business model puzzle. Fortunately, with a little research and looking to others who have paved the path before you, you'll be on the right (and most profitable) track to business success.
I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!
Christine Gallagher is founder of ShesGotClients.com, a company dedicated to teaching entrepreneurs all over the world how to use authentic relationship marketing and online strategies to enroll more clients, & enjoy more income in their business. To get her free "Online Exposure Kit" as well as her e-zine on marketing and mindset, visit ShesGotClients.com.

Web Tech - Recording Your Screen

Web Tech - Recording Your Screen

Expert Author Geoff Hoff
There are many reasons you might want to record your computer screen. It is one of the best ways to show someone how something is done. Perhaps you have a virtual assistant that you want to teach how to get into your email, how to answer customer service requests, etc. You could type it all out, but it might be much easier to simply do it while explaining what you're doing and record it all.
You also may have a client or student (or group of students) who you wish to show a specific thing to. These recordings can be you surfing the web, showing them how to use specific websites, showing them how to use programs you have such as Microsoft Word or PowerPoint. They can even be a PowerPoint presentation to make your recording like a class session.
One other way I've seen it done is when you are having a technical issue on your computer and are having difficulty describing it to your tech guy or to customer service. If you record the screen as you go through the steps that cause the error, they can see exactly what you've done and troubleshooting will be much easier for them.
There are two different things I use to record my screen. The process is called "screen capture" and both of the services I use were created by the same company, Techsmith. The first is Jing. Jing is free to use (for a video up to five minutes), and can come in really handy for those short sessions. It is really easy to you. Simply go to http://www.techsmith.com/jing.html - download the free program and follow the instructions to use. Once you've recorded the session, you can upload it to screencast.com or to your web site or Amazon S3 account so you can then give the link to others to watch.
The other way is a very powerful program called Camtasia. This program isn't inexpensive, but is well worth the investment, especially if you intent to regularly record class sessions or instructional videos. You can purchase Camtasia at http://www.techsmith.com/camtasia.html. With Camtasia, you can record your screen and voice, then edit it, zooming in on specific things, adding text and images, etc. The end video can be as simple or complex as you like.
Using either or both of these screen recording programs can greatly enhance your business and your productivity online.
Geoff Hoff builds web sites for himself and others. He also teaches both the tech aspects of being online and the creative aspects of being online. For more information on web tech and other online issues, and to pick up his free teleseminar recording on Simple WordPress Configuration at http://GeoffHoff.com.

5 Content Market Title Templates You Can INSTANTLY Use to Crush It With Your Copy

5 Content Market Title Templates You Can INSTANTLY Use to Crush It With Your Copy

Expert Author Alexa Ross
How important are content marketing templates? Do good copywriters use them? Are they cheating? Will using a template speed UP my content creation ability... or just make me look like I'm writing the same stuff as everyone else?
Any of these questions sound familiar? If you are anything like I used to be, you probably twitch a little bit, and in a BAD way, when you consider using "templates" to come up with killer copy that converts like crazy. After all... if you have a bit of an artistic and innovative entrepreneurial bent like many of us, creativity is KING, and the idea of using cheat sheets of any kind can be a turn off.
I'm going to tell you that the day I stopped thinking about it this way, is the day my own content creation efforts went UP exponentially, and my productivity went through the roof as well.
As I write this in May of 2013... I've used the exact content idea starters below to write thousands of articles that have generated MILLIONS of readers, hundreds of thousands of subscribers and have promoted more products, in a myriad of markets than I can possibly count. (and countless others with clients and partners as well)
How to Do Things
How to Raise Your Credit Score 100 Points in 90 Days WITHOUT Breaking the Law
How to Melt Belly Fat on a Diet So DELICIOUS it Almost Feels Like You're Always Eating Dessert
Do This Without Doing That
Lose lots of Weight (Without Any Exercises)
Burns Belly Fat Almost Like Magic (Without Starving Yourself or Going Hungry)
(This works very well for big benefit - common objection or fear compare and contrasts)
Shock & Awe
Attn. Spring Breakers: The Shocking Truth About Bed Bugs Your Hotel Will Never Tell you
The One Alarming Trend in Weight Loss That Puts Many Heavy People at Risk For Dying Young
(note: Shock and Awe is great for content marketing, but not so good for War)
Do THIS once a day for more energy (but don't OVERDO it!)
THIS common household cleaner may cause massive internal bleeding (and 97% of housewives use it everyday)
Unauthorized Information
EXPOSED: The Shocking Report About Organic Food the Natural Health Companies Don't Want You To See
Rated X: The Unauthorized Inside Story On How The Giants STOLE Super Bowl XLVI
Are they a bit cheesy?
Absolutely! But they are a ton of fun, very easy to write and without any question, will result in MORE readers, more subscribers and more people who open your articles as well.
The key is, to identify a few types of content you are comfortable creating... and then aligning your efforts around that one idea.
For example, if you are good at writing comedic content, and controversial content... and then use the templates above to kick start your content campaigns in a fun, fast and free way that your readers will actually look FORWARD to.
If you prefer more complimentary content... than do THAT if it makes you comfortable.
Either way, having an arsenal of templates WILL help your business, and will make your content (and copy) convert better to boot!
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Forget the 4 P's of Marketing - Today It's the 3 R's!

Forget the 4 P's of Marketing - Today It's the 3 R's!

Expert Author Steve P Osborne
The 3 R's of Marketing
The fundamentals of marketing are not the 4 P's anymore, now they're the 3 R's: Response, Results, and Return on Investment (ROI). And, by using marketing automation technology, these 3 R's can be easily managed and quantified.
What is Automated Marketing?
Automated marketing refers to the use of technology to manage specific marketing tasks in an automated way. For example: A website might offer an e-book, available through a web form. When a prospect completes the form, an auto-response email would send the prospect a link to download their book. Further to that however, the prospect's information is captured from the form and added into a prospect database. That same prospect could then be added into an automated email sequence of e-tips, set up to deliver over a scheduled period of time. For example, a series of 10 e-tips could be sent 1 tip per week over the next 10 weeks. The emails themselves could also contain links that could trigger any number of other automated actions, all of which could be tracked and analyzed.
How it all works...
To stand above the crowd, marketers today must be savvy enough to adapt their messaging toward specific segments of their market. Converting prospects into paying clients requires creating specialized messages and offers that speak to specific prospects. Through marketing automation you can hone in on the particular interests and issues important to your prospects, based on the actions that they take. For example: Prospects who click on a link of interest in an email, might be added into a new sequence, focused more specifically toward that topic of interest. This allows several sequences to work together to move your prospects through your sales funnel, in an automated way.
Built to Last
Effort is required when setting up these types of marketing campaigns, but the increased response rates make the extra work well worth it. By taking the time to target your campaigns toward specific segments within your target market, you'll enjoy increased results. Once you have your sequences and tasks in place you simply put the program into action. Automated Marketing becomes your lead capture / lead conversion machine that runs continuously and efficiently.
Measurable Proof
The flexibility of customizing your campaigns and the response metrics available give automated marketing an edge over more unwieldy traditional approaches. Through automated marketing tools, inquiries can be responded to immediately - around the clock and around the globe. By implementing these marketing tools, results become highly measurable, revealing which marketing campaigns are the most effective - without time consuming and expensive focus groups. And, by tracking and reviewing your sales results data, you can easily calculate your marketing budget's Return on Investment.
If you're not using Automated Marketing tools yet, you're not marketing as efficiently or as effectively as you could be! For more information on automated marketing see the link below to access a free Automated Marketing handbook
To access a copy of the "Automated Marketing" Handbook click the following link:
For more information, videos and other downloadable marketing e-books go to http://www.evbusinessbuilder.com

Seven Tips for Becoming a Full-Time Freelance Writer

Seven Tips for Becoming a Full-Time Freelance Writer

Earning a full-time salary as an online freelance writer is within your reach as long as you don't get lost in the forest of opportunities. By following the set of guidelines below, you will be well on your way towards achieving financial freedom by securing legitimate writing jobs online. My particular freelancing sites of choice are Elance and Odesk, but these principles will hold true wherever it is that you are submitting your proposals.
1. Spend more time working and less time searching. The first key towards piling up significant income is to spend as much time writing as possible. While freelance writers may feel the urge to only take on the best jobs that best match their skills, the reality is that such a mentality will cause one to overlook well-paying projects that may not take much time to complete. Even better, once you have several of a particular type of odd-job in your freelancing portfolio, you will me more likely to be selected for similar projects in the future. If you spend all of your time searching for only the most perfect opportunities, you'll simply end up scrolling through Elance or Odesk most of the day without doing much else.
2. Try to earn as great a percentage of your income as possible from a select group of clients. There are several inherent benefits to working for a client who has already been satisfied with your work in the past. First, it allows you to charge a higher rate for your work, since your client is already aware that your fee is worth his or her money. Second, it means that you'll be able to spend more time writing and less time bidding and submitting proposals, since the client is already confident that you will be able to complete the project as desired.
3. In the same vein, it's a general rule of thumb that you are better off submitting fewer, well-written proposals than you are in haphazardly applying to a stream of jobs without putting much attention to each particular proposal. As mentioned above, the goal of a freelancer is to spend as much time writing as possible, and the most efficient strategy towards reaching this end is to submit fewer, but extremely personalized proposals that truly highlight why you are qualified for the job.
4. Try to excel in a particularly category, keyword or type of writing. This will not only allow you to charge a higher rate for these jobs, but you will also possess a significant advantage over other freelancers bidding for these same projects. Before long, you will be receiving invitations to bid on these types of projects, as it will be clear from your portfolio and client testimonials that you are an expert in the particular niche. Moreover, the more experience one has with a particular type of writing, the easier it is to complete similar jobs in the future. In the interest of time, it is always best to stick to a type of writing with which you are already familiar.
5. Bid on jobs which have the fewest number of freelancers qualified to successfully take on the project. As mentioned above, this often specializing in a particular niche which requires more than just the ability to pump out articles suitable for nothing besides content mills. For example, specializing in grant writing, copywriting, political writing, academic writing, or in product descriptions are just several of the niches which pay significant greater per job than producing standard web content.
6. Create a website which combines all of the feedback you have received from clients on various websites, so that it exists independently of any particular freelancing site. It is best not to have all of your eggs in one basket, and this can be achieved by producing a portfolio that brings together everything you have accomplished in your freelancing career. A personal website is a freelance writer's best marketing opportunity, and it is not to be passed up. Moreover, a website can instill further confidence in potential clients during the selection process, as it provides the client with plenty of writing samples in the form of blog posts.
7. Keep in the mind that the random jobs which will inevitably arise do add up, and they are not to be passed up. Even if you are absolutely certain that you won't be undertaking a similar writing job in the future, it is not a sufficient reason to pass up on the opportunity to complete a job presently available. These out of the ordinary writing opportunities can add up to a significant chunk of income over time. Additionally, these jobs often have fewer freelancers bidding for them, which means that you have a very high chance of being selected if you submit a personalized proposal.
Put simply, reaching the point where one is bringing in a full-time salary as an online freelance writer is within the grasp of anyone with high-caliber writing skills. By choosing the right opportunities and by sticking with the most valuable clients, a full-time salary is not only possible but inevitable.
UtopianWriting is your reliable and proven source of information related to earning money online as a full-time freelance writer. Read useful tips about securing the best freelance writing jobs and other helpful advice in order to start working from home today!

How to Earn Cash With Online Advertising Companies

How to Earn Cash With Online Advertising Companies

Expert Author Linus Felix Awengen
As most nations in the world continue to experience an economic downturn, many people have lost their jobs and have to struggle to make a living out there. This has made most of these people seek crude ways in which they can sustain their families and be able to fend for themselves too. Although there might not be many jobs in offices and other posh places, the online media is providing huge opportunities to creative minds, where they can earn a living from. The internet has made it possible to employ themselves and earn good money from the same. You too can use this media to make money, and be able to feed your family or cater for any bills you might have. Here are a few ways in which you can use to earn money writing and advertising online.
Build a website
In case you haven't noticed, there are many websites cropping up out of nowhere, and all these websites seem to have unique content all the same. The reason why there are so many websites being developed is because advertising companies like Google, Chitika, Infolinks and others use these websites as an advert platform. As long as you have a great website with plenty of visitors, you can monetize the traffic for real cash in no time. Once you have a website ready and running, you can apply for a partnership with any of these advertising masters on the web, and rent out a space in your website for their adverts. People are making good cash out of these companies, and you too could be one of them.
Write and post high quality and relevant content
How exactly can you earn from these websites? This is a very good question especially to a newbie in this niche. First, you should have a high quality website that provides rich information to readers and internet users. If you are an accomplished writer, you can write articles or journals on an area you are good at, and then post them in your website. You however need to refrain from copy and paste from other websites, as Google and other search engines will identify copied content and charge you for that. If you are unsure on how to write high quality content, you can use a freelance writer to handle all the writing for you. There are plenty of them online thus very easy to use them.
Optimize the website
With the content ready and already published, you will also need to have the website ranked highly in search engines like Google. This calls for search engine optimization on your website. You can find experts who are very good at this, and they will help you realize high ranks in search engines for increased traffic and sales. It is most advisable for you to strategize on one market area to see how it goes. All these are opportunities available online that any experienced person can handle and make money with.
Sign up with advertising companies
Once you are sure that your website is live and ready to do some marketing, you can then sign up with Google Adwords, Chitika or even Infolinks, to have them advertise with your website. When any of these companies approves your application, they will immediately start advertising on the website automatically. The more traffic and sales you make from the website, the more cash you will be able to make. Google for example pays its clients every mid-month through checks and PayPal. Although your first paycheck could be minimal, you can increase it by intensifying on search engine optimization and by choosing categories wisely.
All the writing, optimizing websites and building the websites can be done online by persons from all over the globe, interlinked together by the internet. When you start earning money through advertisements and affiliate marketing, you then become a passive income earner as you can earn while asleep or taking a vacation.
For more information check out my website: http://www.verymillionaire.com

The Benefits of Internet Marketing and Why It Is Crucial to Your Business

The Benefits of Internet Marketing and Why It Is Crucial to Your Business

Expert Author Andy Cherubini
Marketing is the life-blood of any successful business. If you want to sell a product or service, it is crucial that people know about it. If they are not aware of what you offer, they would not patronize it, even if it is dirt-cheap or the best thing to happen since sliced bread. This is the reason why businesses spend top dollars every year advertising their products and services.
Marketing on the Internet has made everything easy. It is now possible to promote your goods or services, online without spending a fortune. If you are still struggling to make money online, you need to devise better ways of generating traffic. It may take some time and effort. But it is surely worth it in the end. The benefits of Internet marketing cannot be overemphasized. Here are some of them.
Worldwide Reach
Web marketing allows you to reach anyone in the world. Traditional forms of promotion are restricted to geographical areas. On the other hand, web marketing allows you to target any age class, ethnic group and location amongst other things. There are really no barriers when it comes to marketing in virtual space.
This type of marketing gives your website prominence in virtual space. This means that anyone with an Internet connection can access your website. An online business with a good marketing plan is capable of attracting numerous customers scattered all over the world.
Offline marketing can be expensive because of the process and standard practices that are involved. On the other hand, marketing on the Internet allows you advertise on a limited budget and still reach a huge number of people. Another benefit is that it allows you track your results very easily and make amendments if required.
There are not too many offline marketing platforms that offer this benefit. What this means is that if you are struggling to make money online, it could be that your traffic strategies are muddled up. And this is something that you can change, if you track your marketing campaigns accordingly.
Makes You a Smart Buyer
The benefit of Internet marketing also allows you to become a better consumer and this helps make your business succeed. When you become a buyer who is well-informed it helps you cut back on expenses as well as make the right choices. When you are familiar with online marketing systems, you can reduce your spending and boost your profits.
Are you looking to make money online, visit http://megadollarsecret.blogspot.com/p/blog-page.html and get started right now.

Great Online Jobs for College Students That Don't Cost Much

Great Online Jobs for College Students That Don't Cost Much

It is understandable that you are looking for online jobs for college students that would not cost you much money when starting out. In addition, you would want online jobs that are easy to start and do not take much of your time as you need to concentrate on your studies. Here are some ideas that would be ideal for you:
Data Entry Jobs
Data entry jobs are great online jobs for college students because there are many companies that need people to do simple tasks, for them online, such as: entering data online, filling forms, replying to customer emails... Once you get a company that needs these services you need to make sure that you can follow precise instructions and work on the hours you have indicated you will be available. For data entry jobs you may only need a good internet connection and a computer.
Ghost Writing
If you are looking for online jobs for college students that you can start even without investing any money in them, ghost writing is one of them. This is a great way to earn extra cash fast and not risk anything in the process. There are many companies and people who need writers and if you are passionate for this or you know you can produce excellent work, this is the job you should think of starting! All you need is to do an online search that will help you get an idea of whom you should work with.
For you to succeed in this area, consistency is important. Always offer quality work and stick to deadlines. If you can produce quality work, you will be able to attract more customers and even get more work from your existing clients.
If you have some skills, you may use them to your advantage. Freelancing are ideal online jobs for college students. There are online companies that need freelancers who are able and willing to do certain jobs for them. You can become a freelancer in practically any area in life. Whether you are an IT expert, an engineer student, a photographer or you have some experience in a certain area, you may get a job as a freelancer. For you to make it as a freelancer, you must show traits of a reliable, honest, professional and trustworthy person. This is the only way you will build a good name for yourself and make clients look for you.
To make sure that you don't get scammed, always check-out any company you wish to do business with or work for with the Better Business Bureau. This will help you avoid losing your money or giving your services to dishonest companies.
If you are interested in business ideas that does not require a lot of money. I highly recommend that you read this article, "Great Online Business Ideas for College Students that Does Not Cost Much" at http://www.simsmoneysolution.com/business-ideas-for-college-students.

What Is IPv6?

What Is IPv6?

Expert Author Anup M More
Introduction to IPv6
The internet is a network that interconnects millions of computers worldwide. For this communication to occur, each connected device requires a unique address, which distinguishes it from others. This is the function of IP (Internet Protocol). The problem is that with each passing day, more and more computers are connected to the internet (read computers in general, i.e., PCs, servers, smart phone's, tablets, etc... ), and because of that, the number of IP addresses available is running low. Therein enters the scene IPv6 stands for Internet Protocol version 6. In this article, you will learn a bit of the operation of this protocol and understand how it can solve the problem of internet addresses.
Internet Protocol (IP)
Before jumping into the IPv6 issue itself, it is important to know the IPv4, which we conventionally call only IP. IPv4 is composed of a sequence number in the following format: xxxx, where x is a number that can go from 0 to 255, for example:

For each computer connected to the Internet has a unique IP address, an entity named IANA / ICANN distributes "quota" of IP for all parts of the world. These quotas are administered by regional entities which in turn, pass on to providers, also called ISP (Internet Service Provider).
When you hire a company to provide Internet access to your home, for example, the provider will provide an IP address of its quota (in most cases, this address changes each connection) to connect your computer to the internet or your network. Websites also have IP address, after all, is stored on servers that are obviously connected to the internet.
The IPv4 format is a sequence of 32 bits (or four sets of 8 bits) and this allows theoretically the creation of up to 4,294,967,296 addresses. A very large amount, isn't it? But, believe it or not, soon it will be insufficient.
This problem exists because the internet was not planned so as to be as large. The original idea was to create a communication system that interconnects research centers. Only when the internet started to be used in a broad sense it was clear that the maximum number of IP addresses could be achieved in a relatively near future. It was from this realization that the project IPng (Internet Protocol next generation) began, giving rise to what is known as IPv6.
Depletion of IP addresses
It is not difficult to understand why there was an exhaustion of addresses in IPv4 format. For starters, of these 4 billion combinations available, such as those that start at 10 and 127, for example, are reserved for local networks or for testing. In addition, there is a significant portion of addresses that are meant to institutions and large corporations.
But the main fact is that the world is increasingly connected. You can find access points provided by Wi-Fi networks in malls, restaurants, airports and even bus. Not to mention that it is increasingly common for the number of people who have broadband connection at home and also signing a plan 3G to access the internet on mobile or laptop from anywhere.
Remedial measures were taken to deal with this issue, as the use of NAT (Network Address Translation), a technique that allows a single IP address represents multiple computers, this scheme is applied to, for example, ISPs radio or even by operators offering 3G access.
The problem is that NAT and other measures taken have their limitations and at most only postpone the exhaustion so that a final and practical solution to be adopted. At this point, you already know that this solution goes by the name IPv6.
IPv6 Addresses
The creation of IPv6 consumed several years, after a number of parameters and requirements need to be observed that problems do not occur or at least be substantially mitigated in its implementation. In other words, it was necessary to make a technology - IPv4 - evolving, and not create a completely new standard.
The first noticeable difference between IPv4 and IPv6 is its format: the first consists of 32 bits, as already reported, whereas the second is comprised of 128 bits. Thus, theoretically, the number of available addresses can reach 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456 an outrageously high number!
But there is a problem: if the IPv4 use four numerical sequences to form the address - for example: - in IPv6 it would have to apply no less than 16 groups of numbers. Just imagine typing it all!
Therefore, IPv6 uses eight sequences of up to four characters separated by ':' (colon), but considering the hexadecimal system.
Types of IPv6 Addresses
In general, an IPv6 address is part of one of the following categories: Unicast, Multicast and Anycast. This feature serves primarily to permit an optimal distribution of addresses and enable these to be accessed more quickly, depending on the circumstances. Let's have a look at each type in brief:
Unicast - It is a type that defines a single interface, such that packets addressed to that address are delivered to it alone. It is suitable for peer-to-peer;
Multicast - This is the type, where data packets can be delivered to all addresses that belong to a particular group;
Anycast - It is similar to multicast, but the only difference is that the data packet is delivered to the interface group that is closest. This type is suitable for servers and DNS.
It is worth noting that, as with IPv4, IPv6 addresses can also be divided into their "quotas" or "categories", so that hierarchies can be created to determine the optimal distribution of addresses.
In IPv6, there was also a concern regarding security in IPv4. One of the main mechanisms created for this - perhaps the most important - is the IPSec (IP Security), which provides functionality for encryption of data packets, to ensure these three aspects: integrity, confidentiality and authenticity.
In fact, IPSec can also be used in IPv4, but not communication based on NP. There is no need latter in IPv6, therefore, the use of IPSec occurs without limitations.
To perform its function, IPSec uses an extension header essentially called the Authentication Header (AH) for authentication, otherwise called Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) to provide confidentiality and Internet Key Exchange (IKE) protocol for encryption.
It is worth noting that the protocol IPv6 by itself is already a great improvement in safety since the quantity of addresses is so large that, for example, it makes the use of scanning techniques impossible in IP networks to find possible computers with security vulnerabilities.
Most importantly, however, the fact that IPv6 offer more protection than IPv4 does not mean that reduce safety concerns will not bring problems. The security resources such as access control system, firewall, antivirus and other resources should be continued to apply.
As you may have noticed, the IPv6 protocol represents much of what will be the internet in the near future, since it not only eliminates the existing limitations in IPv4, it also opens up a range of possibilities to make the world more connected.
Anup More is a Sr. Online Marketing Executive at ESDS Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd. which is also a Fully Managed Data Center Services Provider in India.

Guest Posting, Easy Money and Recognition

Guest Posting, Easy Money and Recognition

The online blogging industry has grown by leaps and bounds in the last decade. Due to the ever increasing sophistication of blogging software anyone can have their own little piece of Internet property to share opinions or hock their wares. The biggest issues with earning their fortune on the Internet is all of the competition that they have in that arena. Driving traffic to a website is a constant battle but one of the best weapons in the war on obscurity is guest posting, also known as guest blogging.
Acting as a guest blogger allows the author to create relevant backlinks to their own blogs. If these sites are popular and have a good page rank, or PR, then this can lead to a major traffic increase. What many people do not know about guest blogging is that it can be used for more than just sending traffic to a website. It can be used as a side business as well.
There are many sites on the Internet that actively pay guest bloggers to post their content on their sites. These websites are typically part of a niche that is competitive. The ability to keep new and unique content flowing on a daily basis is a key factor in remaining both relevant and profitable. Guest blogging allows for this content flow to remain fresh and unique due to the varying writing styles and view points of the authors.
Many site owners will pay a guest blogger to write content for their sites. In some instances this is only a small amount per post. In other instances it could be much larger sums of money. A few popular sites pay as much as $50 per article for guest bloggers who meet their requirements.
There is one final benefit of blogging on well trafficked sites that hold relevance and authority on the Internet. This counts as a form of publishing. While it is not held to the same prized level as being published in a newspaper or print magazine it can be considered an achievement. Publishers notice when an author writes for highly publicized and popular websites. These guest posts can be considered a body of work and will be much easier to utilize in that capacity than posts made to a personally owned blog or general news site.
Guest blogging is a useful tool for acquiring notoriety. It can be used to drive traffic to a website and to generate an easily accessed body of work. It can also allow the poster to earn an income either full-time or part-time. If a blog owner is not guest blogging they are certainly missing out on a great opportunity!
For more of my blogs about guest posting, you can log on to http://postrunner.com.

Link Building After Google Penguin

Link Building After Google Penguin

A recovery is actually possible. Some sites were able to remove their penalty, but it was not an easy thing. In doing "clean link building", first and foremost, you should be exactly thorough. You need to check every domain that links to you and decide if it's good or bad. If it's bad, then immediately request for its removal.
Secondly, staying mad at Google won't help and get you anywhere so just keep your focus on your business. Do all of the very best that you can to understand what it is that you need to do and start doing it.
Lastly, you should really be strict. Being a harsh aggressor will help you cut to the chase so you can save your time and Google's and then move on. If in doubt if a link is really a good link, do not try to find any justification for it because a good link doesn't need one. A good link builder knows that. So just get back to the point and just focus on building or rebuilding your business as soon as possible.
I've said that recovery is not an easy thing. Approximately, project settings involving more than a million links and 7,000 linking domains take 600 hours of work or more - that's 75 days - almost three months. However, you can scale up the effort and cut down the time and cost with outsource link building wherein multiple people are trained to reorganize the signs of a bad link. This can considerably push the work through in a reasonable amount of time.
Obviously, one of the easiest ways to connect with link builders is through email. This can be a start as long as you are prepared to make multiple requests, and don't just stop there yet. If deemed insufficient, contacting via phone and snail mails will also aid. Of course, you need to be polite no matter what approach you make because you are asking someone a favor so you should be factual about it. Here's an example fromhttp://searchenginewatch.com/
Google has complained to us about some of the links to our site, and we fear that the link on your site to ours may look like a paid link. For that reason, we would like to request that you remove the link(s) from your site. The link appears on this page: *insert the domain here*.
If you have been hit by Penguin, it now becomes a waiting game for you where you hope for an algorithm update and for the best. For those who received an "unnatural link message", once "clean link building" is done, file a reconsideration request immediately. Yes, you and your business were hurt but don't complain about it because the people who will receive your request were only required to review facts with regard to the problem detected on your site. They are also not interested with the amount you spend on ads. A detailed documentation will also be of great help; but, you should make your reconsideration request short so a link to Google Docs with the situation details will be more than okay.
Unfortunately, there is no simple answer to the million dollar question of how much you will be able to recover. Some of the traffic that you used to get were from the bad links that you have now removed. Removing a penalty is not an assurance that you will be at your peak again. Permanent traffic loss will approximately depend on the percentage of bad links removed. Usually, 25% is lost even after recovery.
Yes, even recovery can be painful; but, once you have recovered, it will be like driving safely while shifting gears and accelerating towards the growth of your business.

Gain Valued Trust With Google Authorship

Gain Valued Trust With Google Authorship

Expert Author Chris M Hunter
In an online business landscape, where company brand and reputation are of monumental importance and credibility is an essential element for commercial success, those who produce content for websites and blogs have a new concern these days - authorship. Being able to prove ownership of written material has become harder not easier to accomplish, while at the same time such an identification has become more important than ever because of the amount of content theft that has always happened and continues to occur daily.
In an attempt to remedy the problem of ranking content because of its popularity, Google has been continually penalizing spam and duplicate websites for some time and has now developed a reliable way for those who write articles and blogs to do the same with its Google Authorship tool.
Authorship serves two primary and important purposes: it confirms the actual person who created and owns internet content and it also serves as a means to improve both a website and author's brand via SEO. By implementing this free Google tool, those who write such material can be clearly identified as its creator and gain various other benefits as well from its use.
  • Content Ownership - Regarding ownership of content, this technology protects against plagiarism by penalizing websites that contain duplicate copy, especially if that copy is found to be authored by someone else. In other words, not only is Google searching to remove duplicate content from its servers; it can automatically check the writer, determine the content that has been uploaded to a different website, and penalize that website.
  • Improved SEO - By using this valuable tool, content creators can be connected to posted internet work. Based upon the frequency of such posting, the quality of the written material, and the number of views the postings have received, that material is rewarded with higher listings in the search engine results pages. This is yet one more way in which Google is attempting to improve the quality of those websites that display early in searches as well as serve as another motivating force to keep such internet locations and originators posting only unique, valuable, and original information.
Article and blog creators who have implemented the authorship tool can receive a benefit over those who have not taken such an action. With enhanced optimization, an improved author rating with Google can be gained as this is yet one more piece of data used by its algorithms to determine page rank. Improved rankings illustrate that an author has consistently posted good quality content and become a trusted name most likely in a particular industry or niche market. All of this can add credibility not only in regard to search engine results but for the website as well once that writer's name begins to be known in a particular niche or topic.
Since one of the main efforts in any kind of website marketing or search engine optimization campaign is to portray an image of credibility and knowledge, writers who have risen to that rank within an industry or niche furnish such credibility and validity. Just as it is with so many other parts of the website optimization cycle, content authorship can positively affect many areas as well. The end result is a recognized name, trust for both writer and website, and continually improving SEO results.
One of the best things about Google Authorship is that it is free for anyone to use and it is not very difficult to implement. Anyone with a Google+ account can easily start claiming anything that they have posted to the web and gain the valuable optimization benefits that such action can provide!
Chris Hunter is an expert in Web Design and Search Engine Marketing. To find out more about Austin SEO, go to the main website at:http://www.webunlimited.com.

How to Make Passive Online Come From URL Shortening Services

How to Make Passive Online Come From URL Shortening Services

Expert Author Tarence Wade
Earning passive online income isn't a very difficult job, especially for those who know how to get a system work and generate autopilot income from the system. At the same time, it's not a very simple job for the beginners. Today millions of internet savvy users are trying to make money from different sources on internet. But only a small percentage of those enthusiasts can make decent income online. Let's discover a new idea that has evolved in past few years that can help you make passive income online just by sharing links.
How to make passive online income using URL shorteners: a guide for the newbie marketers
Today, there are several URL shorteners online that allows it's users to shrink links, share them and make money for each clicks. These companies share a percentage of their revenues with the users. Let's explore more about the methods of making money from a reliable URL shortener online.
#1 Sign up with a leading URL shortening service
There are several companies that offer such URL shortening services today. You have to find out a reliable company that pays out. The commissions earned from a click isn't much, however if you know how to get a lot of traffic, you can make decent money from these shorteners. The URL shortening websites will make money from the advertisers and share a portion with the users. If you have found a good company that shares decent percentage with the users, you can make more. So select a company carefully, make sure they're paying high and they're paying in real.
#2 Preparing a complete plan to spread those links
Once you have signed up, it's time to create as much link as you can. These links might mask YouTube videos, Facebook URLs or anything that the audience would love to see, read or watch. You should list those links and save them on your hard disk. Once done, you have to prepare a complete plan to share the words; you have to explore the places where people will be waiting to click on the links to explore something resourceful or interesting.
#3 Use the plan and integrate your websites with the plan
If you own a website, making money from these URL shortening websites will be easier for you. You can easily convert your readers to money making leads and make money from your website. You can also use the links on social sharing websites, forums, blogs and other websites. The more you share, the more you earn - that's the secret of making money from URL shorteners. If one of your link is making 10 cent each month, you will need to spread 10000 links to make $1K. The plan is simple, you don't have to build so many links overnight, take time follow the plan and in two/three months, you will be able to make decent cash from your links.
Making passive online income also requires a lot of effort and some skills. You should learn the methods, do research to find out the best method that works for you. Join Passive Income Formula to explore a system that works in real, a system that can make you passive online income right away.

4 Items for Your Content Marketing Plan

4 Items for Your Content Marketing Plan

Expert Author Phyllis Edson
Content marketing is vital to promoting your business online. There are several different options to market your business online using content marketing. Here are 4 options you should include in your business' content marketing plan.
Blogs: In addition to your website, be sure to set up a blog. Blogs are indexed more quickly by the search engines. Be sure to add new, original content every week. Blog content can be funny, witty, informal and casual. You can discuss new products coming out or new services your business offers. You can also discuss your business's accomplishments or those of your employees. For example, be sure to discuss trainings and certifications your employees have earned. Perhaps your company is celebrating an anniversary with a special event, a blog is an excellent place to put pictures of those special events.
You can also use your business blogs to talk with customers. Be sure to offer them a place to leave you comments and be sure to answer their comments quickly. This will help build trust with your customers.
Guest posting: Don't just write articles for your own blog, be sure to write guest posts for other blogs as well. Guest posting provides several benefits. It allows you to connect to and reach a wider audience. To get started guest posting, take these steps. Be sure to find sites that allow guest posting. Visit the sites and research them for quality. Ensuring that you follow their guest posting outlines, write good quality articles. Be sure to write for their target audience. Afterwards, keep track of the success of the guest posts to give you an idea which posts get the most traffic and plan to posts on these sites again.
Press releases: Issuing press releases and posting them online is an excellent addition to your online content marketing plant. There are many online press release distribution sites where you can post your press releases for free. You don't have to wait for a major event, sale or promotion to post a press release. You can post press releases when employees complete trainings and certifications, and when you offer new products or services. Try to post a press release at least once a month.
Infographics: Infographics are "information graphics" that depict or illustrate information in a graph or some sort of simple picture. They can be bar graphs, survey and statistic results. Infographics can present complex information in a straightforward, simple way. Using infographics either on your website or blog is attractive to visitors and have a better potential for being shared by your readers on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Google+. This is good news for your website.
To make your content marketing plan successful, make sure to plan it out ahead of time and then, monitor your traffic. Remember, it may take up to three months to see results for any marketing efforts.
Freelance writer Phyllis Edson offers a variety of writing services that can help market your business online. For more information about how she can create custom content for your business visit her website at http://www.phyllisedson.com or e-mail her at phyllisedson@comcast.net.

Making Money Online - Jobs That You Can Easily Take Up

Making Money Online - Jobs That You Can Easily Take Up

Expert Author Sheza Naeem
While freelancing initially began as a trend among students and housewives, it has become a lot more popular now. Previously, people who worked as freelancers were the ones who had some free time on their hands and wanted to make some money. While these part-time freelancers still exist, the industry has expanded and several people now work as full-time freelancers. One of the major reasons for this, obviously, is working from home. You get to work from the comfort of your bedroom and you can easily make enough cash. In fact, people who take up jobs like website designing can make up to several thousand dollars a month!
However, this is where the problem lies. Not everyone knows how to design websites. This is why most people believe that they cannot make money through freelancing. However, this is not true. There are several other well-paying jobs that you can take up without any experience. Here are some of these.
Writing - This is probably the most popular freelancing job. However, most people who believe that they cannot write tend to stay away from it. Remember that you must give everything a try! You do not have to be a great creative writer in order to be able to write product descriptions and reviews. You can easily write these even without prior writing experience. Therefore, make sure you consider easy writing jobs when you begin freelancing.
Data entry and typing - Some people need their business files to be updated regularly. Often, they simply have some data that they need to be posted on certain websites. All a freelancer has to do is to take the given data and to enter it in the specified file. You do not have to be experienced for such a job! Similarly, if you can type fast, you can take up typing jobs. Some people have written text or audio files that they need to type and they often hire freelancers for this.
Virtual assistant - Remember those online customer service officers you see when you log on to a website? Most of these are freelancers. You can get hired as a virtual assistant. Such a job may include assisting customers who visit the employer's website. You may also have to complete other common tasks, for example, reading and replying to emails and sorting business files.
Therefore, there are several jobs you can take up even if you know nothing about freelancing. You can read up on several other methods ofmaking money online.
The best way to learn about working on the internet is to read written accounts from people who have experienced this. You can click here to find tips from experts. You can also visit us to learn, in general, about blogging and writing on the internet.