4 Factors That Drastically Affect Your Business
How do you figure out if you're doing what you should be doing? How do you find out if the business that you're doing or promoting is without a doubt what you should be promoting and spending your time on? Yes, how do you find out if you're doing what you should be doing?
What do I mean by doing what you should be doing?
I mean that everyone shouldn't be an Entrepreneur, did you know that? That might sound a little discouraging, but I mean it: Everyone should not be an Entrepreneur! Some people have no business starting a business. Why do I say that?
Well, what do you think the purpose of starting and running a business should be? Well, if you say that it's to make money, I'm going to get upset! You already know how I feel about getting into business for the sole purpose of making money.
The reason you would get into business should be with the end result of actually helping people. Your business you promote should make people happier as a result of having your products or services. Do you agree with that?
Yet, so many people get into business simply because they want to make money. So, they promote a product or service that actually does nothing for the customer. And sometimes that product or service actually ends up hurting the customer in the long run. For example, do you promote a business opportunity that focuses on getting people to join so that they can "make a bunch of money", without you how to do that yourself? Or even worse, are you promoting a "gifting" program where there is no real product or service offered? If so, then understand that you are hurting your customers in the long run, because no real long-term success could ever come from those schemes. (Yeah, I said it! - They're schemes!) And you need to STOP IT right now!
And if you're thinking about starting your own company from scratch, think about this first: What kind of value am I going to be adding to people's lives?
And make sure you do something that you're actually good at!
Believe it or not, I had a struggle with that when I was first starting my business. I knew that I NEEDED to be an Entrepreneur, because I felt like I had something special inside of me. I felt like I could add something special to people's lives in some way. And I hated simply following instructions. I felt like I was creative enough to improve on things, and not just follow instructions. I had the entrepreneurial bug in me.
I just needed to find something that I could be passionate about and that I could do well enough to make an impact on people's lives.
So, I got introduced to Network Marketing, which I loved, since it allowed me to use my creativity and my strategic thinking skills, and exercise my love that I have for people. But, after a while, I was taught what marketing really was all about. It opened my eyes and helped me to see why so many people were failing in Network Marketing. I ended up marketing for that very same marketing company for about 4 years. And I absolutely loved what I was doing, because I was getting results, helping people get results, and helping to open people's eyes and positively affect their lives as well.
But my problem was that I was basically working for someone else while helping to teach other people how to be Entrepreneurs. It doesn't make sense, right?
So, here's the point: I was in a dilemma: I was bursting at the seams to start my own company, but what could I do?
So I was thinking: "Should I continue just marketing for this other marketing company, who by the way had great products and services; or should I strike out on my own?
And if I strike out on my own, what kind of business could I do?"
This might be what a lot of you are going through right now, or you might know of someone going through this same issue: What kind of business can you start?
Well, notice what I did to solve my dilemma:
I knew I was going to start a business (I felt I had to. It seemed like I probably wouldn't have been happy if I didn't.), but what kind of business would I start?
Well, I had to ask myself: "What am I passionate about?" And the answer to that question was: "I love helping Entrepreneurs find out the real way to grow their businesses, many times with explosive growth."
Also, I had to ask myself: "Is this going to truly help people? Will they be thankful to me for my starting my company?" The answer to that is a definite: "Yes!"
Another question I had to ponder was: "Are you an expert at what you are trying to do?" Because I realized that if I'm not, then I truly wouldn't be of great help to people. And my answer to that question was: "Yes." Because even though I had not made a million dollars, the experience I had gained allowed me to get great results - results that could absolutely change people's lives!
So, I had the knowledge, the experience, the desire and passion, and even more importantly, I was doing it for the RIGHT REASON: to truly help people and improve their lives in some way.
So, if you too are thinking about starting your own business from scratch, you've got to have those elements in place in order for it to be successful and long-term.
Remember: business is not about you. It's about your prospects. It's about helping THEM with a very good product or service. "Treat others as you would like to be treated." Those wise words from the wisest man in history truly apply to every aspect of your life. But if you apply them to business, along with those 4 steps mentioned above, it will help you (and others) to have an incredibly Tremenda-Life!
Martise Armstrong is the owner and founder of Tremenda-Life Marketing, a marketing consulting company that focuses on efficient and effective marketing strategies based on personal contact with potential customers - not cold, impersonal marketing schemes.
He has been helping Entrepreneurs have success with their businesses since November 2007. He has contributed to the success of two successful companies, one of them being a mulit-million dollar business.
His passion is in helping Entrepreneurs find their way and create success and balance in their business efforts.
Find out more about him at http://www.expandyourdownline.com
Or download his free report: "3 simple steps to tripling your income" at http://www.tremendalife.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Martise_A_Armstrong
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