понедельник, 20 мая 2013 г.

5 Things You Don't Need To Be Successful In Network Marketing

5 Things You Don't Need To Be Successful In Network Marketing

Expert Author Eric Mclaughlin
There are several things you need to be successful in network marketing.
Things such as desire, enthusiasm, passion, and taking action just to name a few.
However, there are things that people believe you need that you absolutely don't need to be successful network marketing and if you can understand this from the beginning then I can almost guarantee that building your business will be a lot easier than you can imagine.
The 5 Things You Don't Need To Be Successful In Network Marketing
1. Credentials Or College Degrees
Thousands and thousands of people have had tremendous success in network marketing without the benefit of a college degree or any other kind of organized educational credentials.
The simple fact is because network marketing is so unlike and completely different than than other businesses that the rules are different.
MLM requires you to be interested in a person instead of being interesting. That requires listening skills and being able to relate and have empathy for individuals. It's becoming a problem solver and deliverer of information to be able to become a problem solver.
It's also formulating a system that duplicates based upon these skills and there aren't any degrees that major in this area.
If your sponsor has a degree, great! It's just not necessary for success in multi level marketing.
2. Gaining Approval
In my opinion, this is the biggest thing you don't need to be successful in this industry. The only person you need approval from is yourself.
Your spouse, friends, coworkers, family, and anyone else in your circle of influence may not approve of your network marketing profession and it's completely irrelevant to the success of your business.
Why? Because somebody else's opinions do not formulate your reality. Your thoughts, emotions, and actions determine this which is completely controlled by you.
If you're starting out in this profession you must expect rejection, criticism, being ridiculed, persuaded to leave the profession, having your sanity questioned, an all of the above.
If you listen to this negative chatter, it will beat you to your knees and destroy your chances of ever building your business form the beginning, only if you let it.
But the more you reject this behavior towards you, the stronger you become. Before you know it you'll have built a large network marketing organization and quietly silence all your critics.
You'll soon discover that once you start having success, you'll have more support and approval than you ever thought was possible.
3. Friends and Family Joining Your Business
Please don't misunderstand me, if you get them in your group, great! But it's not necessary to be successful in this profession.
With all the resources we have to communicate with, we can build large businesses all over the country and in other countries as well. There is no rule saying that you have to build locally and be an MLM prophet in your hometown.
Although there are a lot of benefits of having a large local team, it definitely isn't necessary to becoming successful in network marketing.
4. Cheap Advice
More times than not a new distributor will start receiving advice from their friends and family who have never built a network marketing business. Although this is well meaning advice they have absolutely no experience or knowledge with network marketing and should not be listened to.
If you want to learn how to fly an airplane then you would get advice from an expert pilot. Common sense would be to get advice on how to build a massive downline from an expert network marketer.
5. Perfection
This goes for both trying to find the perfect company and trying to be an expert in the industry before they start to talk to people about their business.
The number one mistake of beginning network marketers is that they believe that they have to everything about the industry before they start recruiting.
They think they have to know everything about the product, read every piece of literature and completely understand every little detail of the compensation plan.
I have yet to see the perfect product, company, or compensation plan... and... I've yet to see the perfect network marketing professional. Like with everything in life, you must evolve into being a master of your craft and the only way to do this is to start!
Yes, you will make plenty of mistakes along the way, however, you now know what not to do and you are certainly on your way to being as close to perfect as possible.
Please visit Eric McLaughlin's MLM blog to learn how to guarantee you make money in network marketing using just the internet and havenetwork marketing success.

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