суббота, 25 мая 2013 г.

Become A Great Network Marketer By Becoming A Great Problem Solver!

Become A Great Network Marketer By Becoming A Great Problem Solver!

Expert Author Nancy Bolen
You have joined a network marketing company and are very excited about the possibilities of building a very lucrative business. Or, you already have a network marketing business but you have run out of people to talk to.
The key to a successful network marketing business is to help people solve their problems - ie become a great problem solver. There are lots of people on the internet every day. Why do people search the internet? Usually, it is to solve a problem. So if you want people to reach out to you, then you need to figure out what problem they are trying to solve.
Let me give you a couple of hints - they are not googling your company name nor are they googling your name (for the most part). They are looking for a solution to their problem. So assuming that you have your target market, you need to sit down and figure out what their problems are that you can solve with your products. These need to be related to your product not your opportunity.
So, what problems does your product solve? Make sure you have a fit between your product's solution and the market you have chosen. For example, if you have an anti-aging product, chances are that your best target is not a teenager. If you have a great weight loss product, your ideal client is probably not an underweight person. So sit down and make a list of at least 5 problems that your product can solve. This will give you a good range of issues to target.
Now that you have that list, does it match with who you feel is your ideal customer? If it does not, then you need to rethink your strategy.
Big consumer goods companies do this all the time. Look at print and TV ads. Pay attention to who they are targeting. For example, McDonald's targets kids (Ronald McDonald and Happy Meals), people who want a fast meal (they emphasize the drive through), who will choose flavor over health (for the most part), and people on a budget (the value menu). Whole Foods and McDonald's are not targeting the same consumer. While a Whole Foods shopper might eat at McDonald's, chances are that each company's primary target is not the other's.
Do an exercise - when you are watching TV, looking at those pop-up ads on your computer and reading print advertising, quiz yourself on what problem those ads are trying to solve. For example, Geico targets those who feel they are paying too much for car insurance. Recently, their ads have been emphasizing other types of vehicular insurance such as motorcycles.
If you need help determining what problems your products/services can solve, contact me. I would love to help you!
If you want real help growing your network marketing business by treating it like a real business, go here for a free report on getting real growth in the next 12 months.

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