Find Success in MLM - Fail Often
Success in multi-level marketing isn't much different from any other endeavor. People will start a business with very little investment but when obstacles such as time constraints or continued rejection appear, many people will stop trying and become part of the 99% or so who never make money.
The purpose of this article is to discuss the obstacle of rejection. Rejection is a form of failure. How does a successful person view and handle failure? What are the attitude levels of failure and what percentage of people typically experience them?
There are 5 levels of failure. I call these the 5 "A's".
The first level is Avoid and it is where between 80-90% of people exist. People at this level will do everything they can to avoid failure and stay in their comfort zone where they do not need to experience failure. They probably want more but the perceived agony of failure in doing something new is too great to overcome. Therefore, they stay where they are.
Reality TV, celebrity gossip shows and even sports are so popular partially because they allow others to experience the failures and success of others from the comfort of their own homes. "Monday morning quarterbacks" and criticism of a persons favorite celebrity help to allow a person to avoid making mistakes in their own lives by providing an outlet to observe others.
The second level of failure is Acceptance. 10-20% of the people in the world understand that failure is necessary to achieve success and will stick their neck out on occasion to go for more in their lives. For the most part though, just because they accept failure as a necessity to grow, they are still on the fence to whether or not they really want to experience failure or regress back to avoiding it altogether.
Of the 10-20% who accept failure, a portion of these people move to the third level which is where they want to Accumulate failure. They accept failure as a necessity and look to accumulate more of it learning along the way so that they can experience more success on the other side.
Once someone realizes that the more failures they experience equals the more success that is possible they not only want to accumulate the failures to create more success they want to do it faster and therefore move to the fourth level which is Accelerate their failures. In accelerating failure they experience even more success.
Finally, once they understand the faster they fail the faster they succeed, a person may reach the fifth and final level of experiencing failure. This fifth level of failure is where a person realizes they not only want to fail faster to find success they will want to recruit others into the process so that they can take advantage of other peoples time and resources to achieve the goal of success. They therefore Accelerate Exponentially their failure rate and their corresponding level of success.
It is difficult to realize that failure is necessary to grow. When a person undertakes a MLM opportunity, they do so with the intention of being successful and many times believe it will be easy to recruit several people to be customers or business partners. However, the reality of the distribution method requires a new distributor to talk to many people and fail to recruit everyone they talk to.
Embrace this failure and a person will have the opportunity to find success on the other side.
For more information on finding success and building a profitable MLM pyramid visit to watch the video Success in MLM - Pyramids, Failure, Leverage and Success.
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