суббота, 18 мая 2013 г.

How To Achieve Goals In Your Online Business

How To Achieve Goals In Your Online Business

Expert Author Georgina D Hornsby
Every successful laptop entrepreneur has a plan. It doesn't matter which of the 3 main methods you have used for setting your goals, you will need to review them in order to achieve them. To be able to make money from home, you need to have a set of goals, based on your bigger vision of where you and your business are going.You should have at least one of the following.
  1. A vision book, or vision collage poster on your wall or by your bedside.
  2. A mind map, typically on one sheet of paper at least A3.
  3. A list, or action plan to do list.
Whichever method you use, make sure you are going to see it several times a day. You will need to develop annual goals, monthly goals, weekly goals and daily goals. Keeping an eye on the bigger picture review your daily goals each day, your weekly goals at the end of the week and so on.
I make my monthly review fun by making a dinner date with my partner so we can mull over the month together, make any necessary fine tuning to those goals and plan in what rewards we will have when each goal is achieved. Please don't make reviewing goals a chore. Enjoy seeing what you have achieved and give yourself rewards. Rewards, however large or small, are important to keep you motivated. You can reward yourself, perhaps, with something as simple a walk round a garden for every 5 new opt-ins. My very first coach (yes, I sincerely believe that everyone needs a mentor or coach) always said to me "take time to smell the roses".
Whenever you review your goals, see what went well, what did not go so well and how you can do better next time, what did not get done at all. Every successful person with a laptop business who is striving to make money online will miss a few targets. It can be a challenging business, but extremely rewarding. For every goal you achieve you can go further, which is how business develops and grows. There is no need to beat yourself up. Forgive yourself and be prepared to rewrite your goals for the next period, especially if it was the target date that was unreasonable. Make every goal achievable, or the outcome will be certain and you will need to be quite extra ordinary to make money online. Achievable goals that stretch you a little bit are the most rewarding. Forgive yourself mishaps along the way. Reward every goal achieved.
I'll leave you with a few ideas I use.
My daily goals include saying thank you for something, taking 20 minutes exercise, writing at least 500 words and checking my click through statistics. For every 200 words of text that will move my business forward I reward myself with a cup of tea.
My weekly goals include number of new opt-ins, number of sales, networking. I attend networking meetings and exchange emails with other like-minded people to swap ideas and compare successes. Not cooking dinner on Saturday is my reward whenever I achieve my target numbers.
My monthly goals include developing new product outlines, testing which are my best routes to market, keeping in touch with friends, chill time and checking out anything to help automate my business. For example, if I find a route to market my products is not working, I will alter it and once I've set up the revised channel to maximise my chances of reaching the right people who need something I can offer to help them, I take a siesta. That is my reward.
Annually I look once more at the big picture and am prepared to rework some of my goals. If you have thought through your vision and set achievable goals, you will be unlikely to need to make fundamental changes. You can't hit a moving target very easily. Stay focussed. Forgive and reward yourself.
Good luck with your online business. I hope you can see how to achieve your goals once you have identified the strategies you are planning to use to make money from home. Review, reward and enjoy.
Georgina is more than happy to share case studies, hints and tips about how to make money from home, in her blog. See more of what her mentors can teach you.

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