понедельник, 20 мая 2013 г.

How to Get Business Partners for Your Home Business

How to Get Business Partners for Your Home Business

Expert Author Annie E Cook
Set a Realistic Goal
Now that you have a home business, you want to find partners. There are several ways to do that. You can prospect at home with people you know, use free or paid internet marketing skills to find prospects, or you can buy targeted leads from a lead broker. You start out eager and on fire only to find that most people are not interested in what you have to offer. When this happens, many new distributors soon suffer from depression and quit the first year. Since only about 2-5% of the people they contact will share their vision, that is a lot of rejection! Actually they were quite successful in finding 2-5 new partners as a result of 100 contacts! If you set your goal for a 2-5% success rate instead of looking at it as a 95% failure, you will soon see yourself in a whole new light. If you happen to exceed your goal then plan a celebration! You can grow your business by sorting through your targeted leads to find the right people to join your team.
Be Selective
You will have to make a lot of telephone calls in your search to find the right people to join your team. I make a quick telephone call to each prospect to see if they might be interested in my business opportunity. I ask if they are willing to listen to a 15 minute telephone presentation and I give them the number to call. I ask one small favor. They are to call me back and give me their feedback. When they call me back I will try to get to know them better and use my closing skills. If I don't feel they have a sincere desire to own their own home business, I need to move on. I do not beg them to join me. I am doing them a favor not the other way around. I am offering them the opportunity to join me in my business and I am offering to mentor them for free until they can build their business by themselves.
Who Are You Looking For?
You are looking for people who are motivated to change their lives and become financially secure. There are three types of distributors. "Go now" people are those rare finds that will grow their business with or without your help. They are driven to succeed and sometimes you just need to stand back and let them take charge. You ideally want to scatter them throughout your business. The majority of your partners will either be "stable" or "waiting" meaning slow growth or no growth. Be kind to these people because someday they will probably surprise you. When the time is right, their businesses can suddenly start to grow.
How Do You Communicate With Your Team?
Once you have a team, they need to be trained and motivated. If they consist of local people, you can have meetings and celebration parties. If they are not local people, you could also Skype with them on your computer or spend Face time with them on your cell phone. The best way to get your business partners to know each other and pull together as a team is by creating your own group on Facebook. Your team members can post their successes, ask questions, make comments, welcome new members, and encourage each other. It is also a good way to promote your business by inviting new prospects to join your group and chat with your other partners.
One Final Note
Good luck in your new venture and I wish you every success. Stay positive and hold onto your dreams! People will follow someone who is proud of what they do and 100% convinced that their business is a great opportunity. You may need to redefine your definition of success when you encounter several no's. Just remember that those no's are just putting you one step closer to your next yes.
If you would like to know more about how to find business partners and build a team click here Get Business Partners

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