Understanding MLM Rankings
In the world of multi-level marketing (more commonly known as MLM), generating leads is the single most important thing. It is how a company establishes itself in the world of online business. By generating these leads, MLM rankings are generated.
MLM rankings are basically manifestations of how well an MLM business is doing in the world of online marketing. The higher the MLM rank, the more prominent the company is in the MLM world. This ranking can be very helpful to people, especially for first-timers who are trying to decide which company to choose from if they intend to join an MLM business.
MLM companies are commonly ranked according to the following factors - time in business, Google page rank (GPR), Alexa rank, and Google trends. A company must be present for at least 10 years in business before it can be included. For the GPR, the range is usually from 1 to 10, and to be included in the ranking, the GPR must be at least 10. For the Alexa rank, a lower number is preferred. For Google trends, stability is required.
There is a site called MLMrankings.com where MLM companies are regularly ranked. Aside from the rankings, MLMrankings.com also provides information and resources regarding MLM companies.
However, the MLM rankings is only one of many factors to consider when choosing an MLM company. Why?
MLM rankings are not always 100% accurate. For instance, a company may rank high on the list, but their success may be short-lived. Such companies fail for several reasons, such as poor management, an inferior product, or because of lack of funds. Hence, one must review the company's longevity in the ranking before joining. It is important to determine whether a company is consistently at the top of the list.
Some companies may be included consistently on the list, but they may be moving down. If such a scenario happens, one must find the reason why their rankings are plummeting before joining the company.
Aside from the company's ranking, the product the company sells is another important factor to consider. The sellers must have trust in the product in order for customers and prospective recruits to believe in it. For instance, Mary Kay, a cosmetics company, always tops the list because aside from the sellers, the customers and promoters also love the product.
It is also important to choose a product that is suited to the skills and personality of a person. If the products of the company are cosmetic products, then female sellers are more suitable to take the job. On MLMrankings.com, a person can find a lot of information about various products and whether they are are more appropriate for women or men.
Lastly, it is important to understand the compensation plan of the company. Some companies have very complicated compensation matrices, and understanding them is very essential before deciding to join the company. After all, money is the main reason why a person would want to join an MLM company in the first place.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steven_N_Goldberg
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