Learn To Make Money Online - 3 Tools You Will Need To Get Started Online
By Moira Wight
If you are fed up with your unsuccessful job hunting after facing the redundancy process, then one solution for you could be to learn to make money online. Others have learned how to leverage the internet as a platform from which they can design their own job, and so stop being reliant on others to provide employment. While there are many different online business models that you could use, there are three basic tools that you will need to get started online.
Buy Your Domain Name
One of the first tools that you will need as you learn to make money online, is a domain name. This will be the place where your visitors come to find out more about you and what services you are providing. You might choose to use your name, or use a primary keyword phrase that describes your niche. If you used your name, as a domain, it would look like this YourName.com. For example, let's say you plan on serving people who are interested in flower arranging for competitions. You would then think about creating a name that included the words "flower arranging for competitions." When you use a keyword phrase like this in your domain name it indicates to people what your site is all about.
Most people choose the .com extension, but you could choose one that relates to your area of the world such as .co.uk for the United Kingdom. Once you have decided on a name you will then need to register it at a domain registrar. This is a place where you buy your domain name and reserve your rights to that name.
Sign Up For Hosting
The second online tool that you need to have when you learn to make money online is a hosting service. This is where you purchase some web space so that your website is visible online. Your website will be made up of several files which need to be up-loaded to the world-wide web so that others can see what you offer. The way we do this is to use a hosting service that agrees to make sure that our website is visible to visitors. In theory, we could do this part ourselves, but it would be expensive so most people choose to share a hosting service with other websites.
Choose An Auto-Responder Service To Manage Your Online Mailing List
The third and last essential online tool that you need to make money online working at home, is an auto-responder service. This tool will manage your email marketing campaign. It keeps a record of the members of your online mailing list and sends out your messages to them automatically.
Even if you have only just started to learn to make money online, you will probably have heard the expression "the money is in the list." Unlike some other online marketing slogans, this one is true. You will make most of your online income from the members of your online mailing list because, over time they have come to know, like and trust you. This relationship with them means that they are far more likely to trust you enough to buy your products. This is the reason why you need to have an auto-responder service that manages your online mailing list.
So, there are the three essential online marketing tools that you will need to begin to make money working online. Get started now by deciding on your domain name, your hosting and auto-responder service in order to lay the foundations for your online home business.
Visit http://MoiraWight.com for more information on how to get started with your project to make money online working from home. While you're there claim your Free copy of the Special Report "Using The Head, Heart and Wallet To Discover Your Niche" It will show how to choose a niche which is the first step you'll need to take.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Moira_Wight
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