Working the Cold Market Part 2
In Working the Cold Market Part 1, we looked at a sample telephone call to a prospect in our cold market, someone we don't already know.
In that call, I did several things. I repeated John's name so that I can embed it in my mind and so that John can hear it. We all like to hear our own names. I also directed the conversation and told John that I am looking for someone in particular. He has to tell me about himself before I decide to share information with him. I also told him that this may not even be for him, in essence saying it's OK to tell me no, because I may tell you no too.
I spent the majority of the call on him personally, by finding out what he likes, doesn't like and what he does for a living, etc. My goal is not to find something to "use" against John, but rather to connect. The best thing to do there is to ask the question and shut-up. Ask follow-ups like, "Why is that?" or "Can you say more about that?"
Ask open-ended questions when asking about the prospect and ask more narrow, specific questions about the products/service and the opportunity. For instance, ask what they like best about where they live or what they would do if they could do anything. When asking about your presentation or what they have seen/heard so far, NEVER ask, "What did you think?" They haven't seen enough in most cases to have an informed opinion yet. Ask instead, "John, what one thing did you like best about that?"
The goal is to get them to tell you what they are looking for. Again, not so you can zero in on it to recruit, but to see if you can John can work together. If your visions are a match, or at least compatible, GREAT! If not, wish John the best and send him on his merry way.
As my mentor says, "This isn't Net-BEG Marketing."
Don't beg your prospects to join you for several reasons. The things that go through the prospect's mind in these situations are usually something along the lines of...
1. If it's so good, why are you begging?
2. If you have to beg, you couldn't possibly help me achieve my goals.
3. I can't beg people to join this scam!
2. If you have to beg, you couldn't possibly help me achieve my goals.
3. I can't beg people to join this scam!
Remember that you are the one with something of value. If you "have the deal" as Jeff Combs says, then they are the ones that will come to you. Not the other way around.
Remember these things and you can begin to master success in cold calling.
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