среда, 24 июля 2013 г.

Home Based Business Owners Have To Be High Energy People

Home Based Business Owners Have To Be High Energy People

Expert Author Alicia R Hill
It is a fact:
Customers like doing business with home based business owners who make them feel excited, refreshed and alive. Look, your customer is dealing with a lot in their everyday life and the last thing they want is to deal with a business owner who has little to no excitement for the service they are providing to the marketplace.
People love the intimate feeling they can get from a home based business owner
Your customers like the fact that you can take your time with them, they love the fact that you can actually focus your attention on them and that you know who they are, versus when they deal with a big corporation because that interaction feels to them like a bunch of lifeless people working, mainly to receive a paycheck because nine times out of ten, unlike you, the employee has no personal vested interest in the customer.
As my mentor, Diane Hochman, says: "If you want to attract customers to yourself, you have got to raise your energy higher than everyone else around you by 5%".
We all vibrate energetically at a particular frequency.
The lower the frequency, the denser your energy, and the "heavier" it feels for your customers to be around you and you need to exert a great deal of effort to accomplish your goals and to serve your customers and they feel the effects of the extra effort you're putting out and people want to feel ease and comfort especially if they are giving you their hard-earned money.
The higher the frequency of your energy or vibration, the lighter you feel in every aspect of your life. You experience greater personal power, clarity, peace, love, and joy and because your emotions are easily dealt with, your clients do not feel any negativity during their interactions with you. Your energy is literally full of light! Your life flows with synchronicity, and you manifest what you desire with ease. Overall, your life takes on a positive quality.
When you choose to live from and therefore operate your home based business from a higher vibration, you have also said "yes" to being a leader. You WILL automatically stand out from other home based business owners who operate from a lower vibration just as a tiny light in the midst of a dark room stands out.
Remember that you will be able to find people who resonate at a higher vibration where you will have the support you need to keep your light shining brightly so that your customers can easily find you!
So head on over to http://WorkWithAlicia.com and you'll see the sign up box right at the top of my blog, right there is the header, you can't miss it! You'll see my Free Training Vault listed down the right column of my blog. Go Get It!
From Alicia R. Hill - Ms. Marketing Mentor - Moving Forward And Taking You With Me!

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