среда, 24 июля 2013 г.

Ode to the Entrepreneur

Ode to the Entrepreneur

Expert Author Dan Giercke
I'm sitting down on a Sunday morning to write this post. I have my Baroque Classical music on, and a glass of lemon water on the table beside me. This morning I did a short workout because I missed it yesterday. I've now gone 9 full weeks, of 6 day a week workouts. I'm feeling pretty good, although I haven't had the expected burst of energy that I was hoping for.
The reason I'm sharing that is because the life of anentrepreneur is very much different from one of an employee. Especially one that just puts in their 40 hours to collect a paycheck and doesn't take any of their work home with them. As an entrepreneur, we're often always at work in one way, shape or form. Maybe not by design, but by default. Being an entrepreneur isn't always the utopian dream of the 4-Hour Workweek and living in our pajamas.
Entrepreneur: Someone who does today what others won't, so he can live tomorrow like others can't.
I think all of us that go down the entrepreneurial path have grand visions of being our own bosses, setting our own hours, doing what we want, with whom we want, where we want, when we want. What we find though, is that we've simply created another job for ourselves. At first the freedom of not having to answer to someone else is enticing and invigorating, but once we realize that it's up to us to bring in the money things shift to doing whatever it takes to make money.
I've certainly bought into the dream of being able to write my own paychecks, work from anywhere, and live the life of an entrepreneur. While I've done well as an employee in the 15 years or so that I followed that path, I always knew that I wasn't cut out to be following the 40 year plan, and working for someone else's gain my entire career.
I have sought out a number of mentors over the years to help me on my path of being an entrepreneur. I can't say I've got the formula all figured out yet, and definitely feel I've still got much to learn. What I do know, is that I love the freedom to choose how to spend my day. I can't put a pricetag on that. I've been able to be home with my children since they were both still in diapers. They'll never know a time that Mom and Dad weren't home, and that's the kind of memories I want them to have. I remember wishing my Dad would spend more time with us, or play with us more. It seemed the only time we ever spent together was if we were working together, or watching TV after supper.
I don't want that kind of relationship with my kids. I want to involve them in my work, but more importantly nurture their dreams and desires and encourage them to go after them. i want to be around to teach them the principles and lessons that I've been learning the past few years, that they don't teach in school. I want my kids to learn how to be an entrepreneur and create their own economy so they're never dependent on someone else for their wellbeing.
Being an entrepreneur doesn't have to be a full time pursuit either (at least initially). You can get started right now with just a few hours a week, and as little as $25 per month building your own online business without having to spend years of your time, and thousands of dollars learning how like I did
Dan Giercke is a life long learner, who has recognized the value of having mentors in his life. As a result, he founded A Mentored Life which brings the world's greatest mentors all in one place to help you Reach Your Ultimate Potential.

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