пятница, 2 августа 2013 г.

Explainer Video That Grabs Attention - 5 Important Features

Explainer Video That Grabs Attention - 5 Important Features

It is increasingly common to see an explainer video in a website or blog. These videos are very popular because they help to offer information in a very simple manner; people are just unwilling to read text and would rather click on a video to find out what the website or blog is all about. Companies are able to increase their conversion rates thanks to these videos. Many online marketers also email them to people on their mailing lists. The other advantage of using them is that they help boost the search engine rankings of the websites that feature them.
If you are planning to use an explainer video in your website then you need to ensure the following:
1. The video should be very short in length. Most videos are just one minute long although some of them are longer. Three minutes is the absolute maximum for these videos because there is a chance that people will just stop watching beyond a point, thereby missing out what the last part of the video contains.
2. It should get to the point immediately. Internet users have very little time in general and they expect to get information immediately. You are unlikely to get another opportunity to communicate with a potential client who clicks away from your video.
3. The focus should be on benefits and not on features. The key to selling something is to give the right answer when a potential customer asks "what's in it for me"? The purpose of the video is to attract attention, not to make a sale. If a person is interested in the video then a sale might just happen.
4. The video should have very high quality. This includes the audio and not just the video. Shoddy production values will not give you the results you desire and will also reflect very badly on your business.
5. Don't go overboard with the special effects because they can be very distracting from the message you are trying to convey. In addition, they might cause your video to take long to load or to play with interruptions.
As you can see, you need to get your explainer video just right in order to get the best results from it. Lots of people prefer to hire professionals to make these videos because they are not confident about getting them right and they do not mind spending money in order to generate a great deal of business.
Use the right explainer video in your website or blog to increase your conversion rate and SERP rankings. Find out what the best videos should be like.

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