Want to Earn Easy Money? The Simple Secret To Turning What You LOVE Into an AMAZING Income
By Alexa Ross
Actually I'm going to share with you 2 secrets... and I promise, if you read them all the way through, and you are struggling right NOW to earn great money online, you'll have a new angle to attack (because at it's core... building a viable, enduring successful business around something you LOVE is a form of "attack"... even if you attack with PASSION...).
I had a conversation a few days ago with a former business partner who owns a well known online agency that teaches coaches and consultants how to turn their expertise, and experience, into a 6 figure income (and he's really, really good at what he does).
His target audience is coaches - life coaches, health consultants, yoga teachers, credit counselors, and really anyone who is entrepreneurial and "teaches" others how to improve their lives in a given area.
He told me he's had to make a really, really dramatic change in how he markets his teaching business over the last 18 months or so.
(And this is secret #1)
He said that the VAST majority of his clients come to him for their certification education, and NOT their marketing education.
In his words - his clients THINK that because they are really passionate about what they know, and really CAN (and do) help THEIR clients succeed, that a diploma or accreditation to hang on the wall is what is going to earn them income.
It doesn't. It's the MARKETING they need to turn that passion into profit, but no one wants to believe it. So for his school... he told me he has to sell the certification program as the reason to sign up... and sneak in the marketing education so they have the REAL skills to succeed financially.
Out of the people who are earning 6 figures plus after graduating from his school... almost all of them are equally equipped from an educational standpoint. But the ones who translate that into a great income, are the ones who learn the importance of stepping up and standing out in the sea of sameness where everyone swims.
If you are struggling to sell yourself right now... here is the second secret:
Find an affiliate program to sell..and SUPPLEMENT your service, by offering your clients a product or service you can really recommend, that pays you a great commission, while offering your own services for deep discounts.
For example -
If you are diet or nutrition coach, offer a FREE coaching session, for everyone who signs up for a specific diet you can ethically recommend, and that pays you a commission of $100 + per order.(of which there are many).
IF you are credit coach, do the same with a credit card, or a financial offer you believe is a good fit.
I have a client now who earns $400 per DAY, recommending a very specific type of service that her own clients really love, and that pays her $150 per referral, all while giving her own services away, largely for free (75% of her income is derived from affiliate commissions, while she does what she loves for people who love her back, and DON'T have to pay right away).
This is truly the easiest way to start earning easy money online... without being pushy, or having to do anything unethical or uncomfortable.
Concentrate on finding what your ideal audience wants and needs. And then give it to them. Find creative combinations of products and services that help them accomplish their goals... and integrate your OWN expertise as a value added bonus.
Be creative. Think outside of the box. If you have passion, and truly want to change the world with your work, you'll find ways to do it. (And if you are struggling now... I challenge you to apply the easy ideas above and take a simple step in the direction of your dreams).
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alexa_Ross
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