среда, 6 ноября 2013 г.

Simple Points You Must Know If The Conversion Rate Of Your Landing Page Must Increase

Simple Points You Must Know If The Conversion Rate Of Your Landing Page Must Increase

Expert Author Obinna Mekah
Landing pages are very essential parts of all websites and great effort is usually made to lead potential customers or client to these very vital pages of our websites. I have noticed that lots of website owners concentrate on driving the needed traffic to their various sites but neglect the part that is even more important, which is: making the first page seem convincingly professional enough for the web visitor to take the next action which could result to sales or a bookmark.
The points below has proven to be quite effective in projecting landing pages of websites especially if such sites are relatively unpopular.
A. Regardless of what you may have been told or numerous lessons you may had taken on this topic, experience has shown that the simpler the landing page, the more convincing. Having black texts on white background is not only cool to the eyes of your web visitor but it shows some maturity and neatness. Simpler is always smarter and much better.
B. The World wide web is filled with lots of folks who claim what they are not. You can go a step further to endear your first visitor to your website by placing the picture of your face there. Bringing in more conviction here is your primary aim and you can still go ahead and add your signature on your landing pages.
C. Having a free gift on your landing page is also ideal but care must be taken to ensure that whatever you are giving out to your prospects are things that are of immense value. Saying this is important because a lot of information marketers use squeeze pages for leads generation without taking a second look at some material they place there as free gifts. If such materials are not valuable enough, they may result to some back outs from people who had earlier freely signed up on your list. Bearing this in mind is necessary because most of the new leads your landing page will generate may calculate the value of what you have for sale by considering how well researched the free stuff is.
D. Placing iron clad guarantee on your products with clear promises of hassle free refund if the client is unsatisfied is another smart way of assuring your visitor that he or she is still safe even after dropping cash for your product or service. Most affiliate marketers know this fact but fail to make maximum use of the effect of guarantee on the landing page to the site visitors. It is always better to bear in mind that whoever arrives at your site has few minutes to make up his or her mind on whether to stick with you, come back later or completely click away. Spelling out your points in precisely clear terms has been known to be very potent in landing pages visitors' retention and conversion.
These tips are seemingly quite common but a lot of web owners still do not adhere to them. Paying close attention to these very simply tips will go a long way in boosting the conversion rate of your landing pages.
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