EASY Internet Marketing Profits - The "Do's" and "Dont's" For Earning Amazing Money Online
Think earning a great income online is difficult?
Think again! The truth is, if you separate out all of the noise and nonsense about "overnight riches" and outrageous offers that sound too good to be true, there ARE in fact many great ways to earn an amazing income doing work that you really LOVE... without having to get out of your pajama's to make it happen as well.
Let's look at a few of the big DO'S and don'ts that separate those that truly earn what they are really worth online, versus the majority of the masses who are clumped down at the bottom, struggling for scraps, and finding them selves far too often disappointment in the "dubious" promises made by those at the top of the totem pole as well.
Of course these are only my OWN observations as someone who has worked exclusively online for well over 7 years, and while it's not always easy, I can honestly say I LOVE what I do everyday, and that's the greatest type of richness one can earn.
DO find something you LOVE to do and make THAT the central focus of your business.
Don't waste time on weird niches that you "hear" are easy to dominate due to some sort of odd supply and demand equation that some guru told you a keyword tool revealed.
Don't waste time on weird niches that you "hear" are easy to dominate due to some sort of odd supply and demand equation that some guru told you a keyword tool revealed.
Do believe in something BIG and that you can see yourself doing in 2 years, or 5 years or even a decade from now.
Don't focus on daily income goals - always take a broader view perspective and you'll never find yourself trading hours for dollars. (It's much easier from a MINDSET perspective to earn $5K a month, than it is to feel like you've got to earn $160 a day, even though they are roughly the same amount of income).
Do create some sort of new content each and every day that articulates a unique position or perspective on what you see happening in a niche that you love.
DO make relationship marketing and community building the CENTRAL piece of your online marketing strategy... even if you are still an affiliate. (The fortune IS in the list).
Don't try to sell your visitors a product the very first time they see your page. (Always begin with the LIST in mind).
DO boil your business down to the smallest and simplest steps possible for success.
DO pick a few simple things that you KNOW you can do, that you enjoy doing, and focus exclusively on those.
Don't overcomplicate it, worry about needing to learning it all, or spend days, weeks or months studying every strategy under the sun. (You won't need them and you'll waste important hours you'll never get back).
Do believe in the importance of URGENCY. Getting ferociously focused and destroying the distractions if the #1 gift you can give to yourself, and your dreams.
Do pay it forward, give back, be open and transparent and share your flare with the world.
Don't sell "secrets" or stifle others who want to emulate and match your success. The more you GIVE... the more you'll get, and that applies to both income, integrity and the amount of true joy you get from doing the work that you truly love as well!
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ian_Hollander
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