воскресенье, 19 мая 2013 г.

Making Money Online - It Starts With YOU!

Making Money Online - It Starts With YOU!

Expert Author Kelly Provost
Series on the keys to succeed - Volume 1
As many of you have heard and many have said, 95% of people who try to make money online - Fail. Why do so many fail trying to make money online? Well you'll get many different answers to that question by many different people in many different niches and on and on.
Truth be told, why so many people fail at making money online, is the same reason that so many people fail at off-line businesses as well. They don't really know what they are doing and don't know where to go or who to ask. Yes, even if you have tried to find help, you were talked into some "made for you, ready to go online business" and have been given the run around. Hey, been there, done that. We ALL have at some time and many people come to realize they are being miss-lead, get mad and give up.
The thing is, as we grow up, we are programmed by our parents, teachers, friends and employers into believing that we must follow the regular life plan. "You can't do that and support a family", "you can't have everything you want", "you can't compete with them", "stop doing what you want to do and do what I want you to do." "Get a good job and support your family." "Stop dreaming of that stuff, it's not realistic."
Anything sounding familiar?
Most of us have heard these kind of comments from people before and that has set in motion our limitations that have kept most of us from achieving the success we dream of having. There's been so much fear and doubt instilled in us as we grew up that we just can't seem to get past the first hurdle. When the first obstacle get's in our path, we tuck tail and give up. That's true for 90 to 95% of the population, that's why 10% of the population owns 90% of the wealth in the world. Only 10% of us have either over come these limitations or they grow up some how without them. It's not our parents and other influential people's fault, that's how they grow up. They are doing the best they can with the tools they had, which were instilled in them as they grew up. Can you see the snowball effect this has been and will still cause in our society?
Lucky there is hope. Not so much hope as techniques and methods developed by some of the greatest minds over the years, to overcome these limitations. Techniques we can use to reprogram ourselves into believing that almost anything is possible if we only know where to look and who to listen to. I have recently learned these techniques and can tell you that they work and I'll explain how and why.
This brings us to our first step which is "SETTING OUR GOALS".
This step is very simple, simply right down your goals and keep them in front of you on a daily basis. I recommend you review your goals at least twice a day. I review mine when I get up in the morning and when I go to bed at night. That way you go to sleep with your goals in your thoughts and wake up with your goals in your thoughts.
One way to have your goals with you at all times is to use small index cards you can carry with you at all times, giving more opportunity to review on cab rides, commuter trains, at lunch and so on. The more you can review your goals the better.
You can also keep a goals binder that you can track your progress, having a separate page for each goal. You are going to want to set goals for all aspects of your life including career, financial, relationships, health and smaller goals such as possessions - the house you live in, the car you drive, vacations you want to take, when you want to retire, where you want to retire and so on.
Be specific about your goals as well. The color of the car you want, the layout of the house you want, exactly where your vacation will be and the date you want to achieve each goal. It is very important you be very specific what your goals are, the more specific you are, the more easily attainable they are. Why?
Well the clearer you make your goals, the better of a picture you can paint for your sub-conscience, the easier it is for your sub-conscience to recognize the methods and paths you need to take to achieve your goals. What I mean is, the more specific your goals are, the quicker you will recognize the things, people and opportunities that have always been there but we were programmed to ignore because we didn't believe we could have them. We didn't believe we were worthy to have or be anything we wanted.
I am telling you now, you DO deserve to have and be ANYTHING you want. You have as much right as anyone to have or be anything you want in this world. And don't let anyone tell you can't. Frankly it's none of their business, they are your dreams and aspirations and no ones but yours.
In the next, we will look at one of the ways you can affirm your goals to get you closer to your dreams.
Watch for the next Volume!
After years of struggling with internet marketing, I've found the biggest roadblock was the people that actually work (supposedly) with you are the ones that keep the important information from you. My mission is to help as many people as I can to achieve success and see their dreams come true - so I hide NOTHING! For more info and free downloads, check out my blog: http://kelly-provost.com

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