суббота, 8 июня 2013 г.

Fast Track Your "List" Using Solo Ads

Fast Track Your "List" Using Solo Ads

Until you've got that initial list, it's a bit of an uphill battle. You could spend your time doing article marketing, video marketing or other free online network marketing strategies. OR... you could eliminate the struggle and spend some money. And... if you are going to spend some money, there's nothing better than buying solo ads.
There are several reasons why solo ads are an attractive online network marketing strategy:
  1. Solo Ads are relatively inexpensive compared to other paid services
  2. Solo Ads are a very fast way to build a list
  3. You can target only those interested in what you have to offer
  4. You are leveraging the power of other people's efforts
Solo Ads are where you pay to have your email sent to someone else's list. It gives you the opportunity to put your ad in front of thousands and potentially hundreds of thousands of people already subscribed to someone else's list. With a compelling offer, targeting the right audience and demographic and great ad copy you will have people opt-in to your list and be connected to you.
When writing your solo ads, there are four parts that it should contain:
  • Subject Line
  • Body/Call to action
  • Offer
Out of all of these, the most important is the subject line. Because if your subject line isn't compelling enough to make your reader want to click and open your email... The other parts don't matter! Take a look at the following example:
Subject Line 1: Home Improvement Tips
Subject Line 2: 3 Shocking Truths About Home Improvement
Which one would you open?
Next is the Body/Call To Action. This section is designed to do one thing & one thing ONLY:
Sell the reader on clicking over to your website/landing page.
Online network marketing Tip: Do not try to sell your prospect on joining your business or joining your mailing list. That is NOT what it is designed to do.
Solo Ads are simply designed to get your prospect to click over to your offer! It needs to be short and to the point. Avoid anything that may distract your visitor such as putting too much information (no long-winded explanations) and NO links for them to click.
Always open your body with your strongest call to action and a link to visit your website. Continue to insert your call to action throughout the Body. You are trying to get them to react to your call to action and there is no better way than by appealing to their emotions. What you can do for them, why do they need what you have to offer, how will it help them?
Creating a great ad copy is something that requires lots of practice in order to become really good at it. And if you're not the best, don't worry about it. Get a hold of some great books that explains this in greater detail. Learn from the experts. Make sure the materials include samples and illustrations. When writing ad copy, it needs to stir up emotions and be compelling enough so your prospect will perform the Call To Action.
The Offer is what you are trying to get your reader interested in. It can be any product, service, or information that is relevant to your target audience, and has a HIGH perceived value (even if it's FREE).
Online network marketing Tip: Never send your traffic straight to an offer to buy or join your downline because you'll lose out on your overall potential profit! ALWAYS send your traffic to a capture page first and require them to opt-in. Remember, the goal of Solo Ads is to build your LIST!
After 10 plus years in network marketing, Dave O'Neill has discovered some simple but very effective methods to attract an endless stream of "ready to buy" and "ready to join" prospects to your business on autopilot! He shares five more exclusive insider training secrets in a must haveblueprint to recruiting that you can get for free right now on his network marketing blog.

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