суббота, 8 июня 2013 г.

How to Approach Prospects - Three Mistakes People Make in Network Marketing

How to Approach Prospects - Three Mistakes People Make in Network Marketing

Expert Author Kathleen Deggelman
How to approach prospects, you ask? You love your opportunity and products, and you want everyone to share your excitement. Yet, no matter how long you've been in network marketing, knowing how to invite prospects remains one of the biggest learning curves.
Here are the top three mistakes people make, and suggestions for how to invite prospects differently so your message will be clear, you will reach more people, and people will be asking, "Where do I sign up?"
#1 Mistake on How to Approach Prospects − Talking Way Too Much
One of the biggest faux-pas people make when learning how to approach prospects, is talking too much, for too long. Are you guilty of this? You are so excited about your product or opportunity that you end up talking someone's ear off for hours. That is not how to approach prospects if you want to get results, and this is why...
First, your enthusiasm may come across as overkill and turn your prospect off. Second, your prospects are imagining themselves in your place and wondering, "Am I going to have to become an expert on all this? Am I going to have to talk with people for hours about this? I don't have time!"
A great way for how to invite prospects and get around this hurdle is to have a quick and simple business tool do the talking for you. For example, my team uses a sizzle call to share the product and opportunity in less than ten minutes. How to approach prospects becomes as simple as, "I'd love for you to check this out. Listen to this quick call on your drive home, and I'll follow up with you to get your thoughts." Ahhh, can't you breathe easier just thinking about it?
Action Step: See if your company or team has a similar tool that you can plug into.
#2 Mistake on How to Approach Prospects − Not Having a "Demo"
The saying is "show and tell," not "tell and tell," and infomercials are the perfect example of why this works. Seeing OxiClean turn a wine-drenched shirt stark white is quite compelling, isn't it? The same goes for how to approach prospects with your MLM opportunity.
In my business, one of our most powerful tools for how to approach prospects is sharing real before & after pictures of people who have used our anti-aging products. Printing and laminating before & after pictures creates an easy sharing tool you can take with you to a BBQ or a networking function. When you can easily show people the results your product provides, you will start hearing a lot more, "Wow, tell me more!"
Action Step: Find a way to "demo" your products.
#3 Mistake on How to Approach Prospects − Reinventing the Wheel
The reason the two strategies I just shared work so well is because they are part of a duplicable system. Perhaps the biggest mistake people make in how to approach prospects effectively is not having a repeatable process that you can duplicate over and over again and, more importantly, everyone on your team can duplicate as well.
If you constantly reinvent the wheel, you won't have the tracks you need to run on, and your team won't be able to get in the groove either. Your team will do what you do, so if you change how you share your products and opportunity, your team will be scattered and unfocused and will eventually burn out.
Action Step: Plug into your team's duplicable business-building system.
By the way, I am always available to my followers for a short 10-minute free coaching session. If you are interested, contact me today athttp://KathleenDeggelman.com/contact-kathleen.
Share your comments below and, if you want to give your team a leg up how to approach prospects, pass this article along!

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