среда, 5 июня 2013 г.

How Do You Put the Law of Reciprocity to Work in Your Business?

How Do You Put the Law of Reciprocity to Work in Your Business?

Expert Author W Timothy Johnson
This is a very important Law for those of us pursuing our dreams through a small or home-based business. Reciprocity is the old "You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours." idea. Putting it in nicer terms. If you do me a favor, I will do one for you too.
How often do you do that in your life? Probably all the time. How many of us have bought lunch one day while being promised the other would "pick it up next time"? I would guess all of us. It is simply doing a favor for another in exchange for a favor from them. No manipulation. No extortion. No imposing upon someone.
Let's look at something that goes on all over America. How many people have been to a party where products are demonstrated and sold? If you haven't, I bet your spouse, sister, brother, mother or father have. These are things like Longaberger Baskets, Pampered Chef, Discovery Toys, Creative Memories, etc. etc. etc. There are certainly more than I can recall off the top of my head.
How much did you or that someone you know spend there? $20? $50? $100?
Now, how much did they spend with YOU on products from YOUR business? $20? $50? $100? Or was it a big, fat $0? Probably the latter.
Why is that? Did you ask them to look over your catalog or stop by your shop? If you didn't, WHY NOT? You just spent money with them, right? You just helped them to build their business, right? (Especially if you hosted the party!)
What is wrong with asking them to look over your catalog, website or shelves? You cannot grow your business on accidental exposures. And that is the ONLY kind of business you get when you don't invite people to at least look at your wares.
Are you ashamed of what you sell? If so, I submit that you should either quit what you are doing RIGHT NOW, or you should ask yourself, "Why won't I promote my business?" Is it embarrassment that you aren't going to meekly accept the 40/40 plan? You know. 40 years of work followed by retirement at 40% of your income. Are you afraid people will say "No"? Are you afraid they will ridicule you?
Before I cover the response to that, let's look at the other side of the coin. Did you ask and they said no, they weren't interested? Or did they refuse to even look at anything at all?
Let's look at this logically. You have just spent your hard earned dollars on building someone else's business. This counts for the local dry-cleaners, the local thrift shop, etc. You chose to try them out.
You are a professional yourself, working to build a lasting income that will give you choices in your life. Maybe it's a restaurant, a consignment shop, book store or network marketing business. You are every bit as committed to the quality and value of your products (you ARE, aren't you?) as they are.
Given these circumstances, you have no reason NOT to invite them to buy something from you. If you don't, you don't really believe in what you are doing. Or you don't really care whether or not you are successful. Which is it? Better find out fast, because your business is NOT going to be successful until you do.
If you DID invite them and they said no, what is your proper response?
First one who said "Refuse to do business with them in the future!" gets a gold star for today. There is no product or service out there that is not available from more than one source. If you bought a basket from someone who wouldn't buy something back from you, the next time you desire a basket, find a NEW REP to purchase it from that is willing to look at and buy your products!
It's as simple as that.
Stop helping to build other people's businesses when they won't help to build yours! Someone WILL have what you desire AND be just as interested in your products and services.
Find Them!
Did you find this article helpful? If so visit http://www.success-maniacs.com/11-success-principles/ for a free report called The 11 Success Principles.
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