среда, 5 июня 2013 г.

Network Marketing: Do the Work Once - Get Paid Forever

Network Marketing: Do the Work Once - Get Paid Forever

Expert Author Jay Midolo
There aren't many business opportunities where you can do the work once and get paid forever. That is a dream come true for those of us who know how to do it. You can do it also; you just have to understand what residual income is. This is only way to get paid forever when you only do the work once.
Residual income is about leverage. When you learn how to leverage yourself, that is when your life begins to change. Network marketing is the best and fastest way to build residual income. You see as a network marketer you have to help people to succeed and make money and by doing that, you also get paid.
Imagine if you owned a donut shop, would you help the other donut shop down the road make money? Of course not, you would want their customers to come to your place. Well that's how most businesses operate. It's called competition. When you have a company secret you would never share it with your competitor.
That is not the case in network marketing. The more businesses you help out the more money you make as residual income. The idea is to build a massive down line by sharing your secrets and strategies that work for you. This is the idea of doing it once and getting paid forever. As you help people, they will help others also. That is the nature of the business. Helping plus helping plus helping equals residual income.
That is the meaning of leverage. If you have a regular job and you don't go to work you do not get paid. If you work over time you get paid more. Once you learn how to leverage yourself, you will get paid on other people's efforts. Now this doesn't come to you by accident, you have to put a little time in it to build your business. But, once you build that business to where you want it to be you can lay on the beaches of the world and still get paid.
The best way to create leverage today is over the internet. You can get in contact with millions of people by using the World Wide Web so why wouldn't you take advantage of that most valuable tool. Learn how to create free leads on the web and start working on your residual income today. How many friends and family do you know trying to build a business? Now, how many do you not know while trying to build a business? You can get to know a lot of those people by implementing an online system and I will show you how to do it.
Starting a business can be tricky. Jay Midolo has overcome that with on line training and recruiting videos. You can get a free gift from his website if you would like to check out how he does it.

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