среда, 22 мая 2013 г.

Learn a Three Step Approach to Building a Successful Online Business

Learn a Three Step Approach to Building a Successful Online Business

Expert Author Jason T Guzinski
Using Agile Methodology to run your home business will clarify tasks that need to be completed in order to build a successful online business.
Employees that have worked in the business world, at some point in your career you ran into the Agile Methodology for development life cycle management.
For those of you who don't know Agile it is an iterative method for releasing deliverables. Requirements and solutions are formulated through collaborative cross-functional, self-organizing teams. This collaboration takes place during weekly grooming sessions. These sessions allow team members to discuss necessary tasks that must be completed in order for a release to be successful.
In simple terms Agile essentially breaks larges projects into bit sized pieces so it's easy to manage and faster to make changes, updates, and/or enhancements. All of this is done using a predefined time-boxed approach. So for instance you might say that every two weeks you are going to release new system enhancements.
If you have Agile experience or even if you don't, you can incorporate this iterative project management style in order to create a successful online business. Often network marketing industry is cast off and not considered a "real job." This couldn't be further from the truth and these tools can help network marketers alleviate the stress caused by not knowing how what to do.
Agile Approach for Successful Online Business
Step 1: Determine your release schedule. Let's say that you want to build out tasks such as write five blog posts on SEO for 1 week. Then your release schedule will be every week.
Step 2: Have grooming sessions each week where you determine what work needs to be performed during a specific release schedule. Personally I like to do this on Sunday night, it's a good time for me to get ready for the upcoming week and lay out all the tasks that I want to complete. Here's where you can schedule the days and times you will work on creating your SEO posts.
Step 3: A key feature of Agile is to have short 5-10 minute "scrum meetings" each day to discuss how the work is progressing. I recommend taking a few minutes each morning to run through the tasks that need to be completed and whether or not there are any obstacles or impediments that are preventing you from getting work done. If so work to eliminate those issues so tasks can be completed on time. The idea of the "scrum meeting" is to hold yourself accountable the tasks you have identified.
I once heard someone say that if you treat your home based business like a hobby, you'll get paid like it's a hobby. If you are serious about your business and want to succeed then I highly recommend you run your business efficiently.
Using these tools from Agile ensures you stay on task and are consistently delivering results. To ensure a successful online business make sure you are managing your business well. Don't forget about the aforementioned tools, they will help you build a successful online business, not just enjoy a hobby.
Learn more about online businesses and three costly mistakes people make when starting an online business. Visit http://www.make-money-blogging.biz/Get-Access.html where I have a FREE report on how to avoid these mistakes and simple actionable steps that will help your business succeed.

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